arg history
ARG Recovery was founded in 1994 by Byron Clark, which focused on inventory appraisal and liquidation services. Bob Morris joined ARG Recovery in 1999 to expand ARG’s inventory and liquidation services to a national platform. ARG’s service offerings expanded to include financial advisory, cash flow and winddown management services when Chris Welsh joined the ARG team in 2009. ARG’s services expanded again in 2017 when ARG Transaction Services was formed to provide field examination and other due diligence services. Most recently, ARG Industrial was added in 2020 when Bill Davidson joined ARG Companies to provide machinery and equipment appraisal and liquidation services.
ARG Companies is a full-service due diligence company providing financial advisory services for prospective transactions, portfolio companies or exit transactions. ARG Companies coordinates and minimizes transaction expenses whenever possible across all of its services. This results in seamless transaction solutions for our clients and their counter-parties.